Refund and Returns Policy

Cancellation by AM Nutricious: There may be certain orders that AM Nutricious is unable to accept and must cancel. AM Nutricious reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to refuse or cancel any order for any reason whatsoever, without assigning any reason to the User, User accept and undertake that the same is acceptable and he/ she/ it will not contest/ raise any dispute on the same. The situations that may result in cancellation of User’s order includes, without limitation, non-availability of the product or quantities ordered by User, non- availability of the service, inaccuracies or errors in pricing information, or problems identified by AM Nutricious ‘s credit and fraud avoidance department.

Cancellation by the User: In case of requests for order cancellations, AM Nutricious, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to accept or reject requests for order cancellations for any reason whatsoever, without assigning any reason to the User. As part of usual business practice, if AM Nutricious receives a cancellation notice and the order has not been processed/ approved by AM Nutricious shall cancel the order and refund the entire amount to User within a reasonable period of time.

AM Nutricious will not be able to cancel orders that have already been processed, it is pertinent to note that the AM Nutricious has the full right to decide whether an order has been processed or not. User hereby agree and undertakes that the decision taken by the AM Nutricious is acceptable to User and User shall not create any dispute on the decision taken by AM Nutricious on cancellation.

AM Nutricious reserves the right to cancel any orders that classify as ‘Bulk Order’ as determined by AM Nutricious as per certain criteria. AM Nutricious Reward Point or Promo Code used for placing the ‘Bulk Order’ will not be refunded as per this cancellation policy. An order can be classified as ‘Bulk Order’ if it meets with the below mentioned criteria:
1. Products ordered are not for self-consumption but for commercial resale;
2. Multiple orders placed for same product at the same address;
3. Bulk quantity of the same product ordered;
4. Invalid address given in order details;
5. Any malpractice used to place the order.
AM Nutricious Reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to change, modify, add or remove portions of this document, at any time without any prior written notice to user;
Limitation of Liability: Under no circumstances AM Nutricious’s liability shall exceed giving the User a replacement of the same product/ alternate product of the same value;